5 Apr 2010

Speaking about...

Right now I am in the middle of prepairing one of the most important fashion events in my city.
And while working on it I have faced so many different chalenges you don't even think might happen.
It just strikes me how people in our country have absolutely no respect for other people's work and efforts people put in their work to make everything happen, seriously... When you do everything you can to make an event possible, when all agreements are done and people are expecting this event - there comes a single person who just says "'no" without explaining any reasons and all you can do is sit in your chair and think "why?" (or sometimes there even are no thoughts, only feelings) And most likely you will never get an answer or - what is more important - a good solvation for the situation you are left with.
Anyways, everything is going to happen and you guys will be the first lucky ones who will have the exclusive opportunity to know everything in backstage details! Won't tell you anything else just yet ;)
Stay in touch,


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