15 May 2010

I'm back!

Today I came back from Kemerovo where we had a fashion show of Siberian (or to be more correct, Novosibirsk) best designers. Everything went really well and I would like to thank the organizer for the good level of the event and for the comfort they provided us with during the trip. But back to the show.
So there were 3 designers who showed their collections: Olga Buzytskaya, Daniil Antsiferov and Elena Maslenkina. Last two are young but very perspective Novosibirsk designers, I think you'll hear more about them soon.
To be honest I didn't have much time to take pictures as there were tons of stuff to do, but here are a few from backstage (I hope I'll get more later):
Models getting hair & make-up ready
Do you wanna see the conditions we had backstage? Check this out (to be clear: this is the car hangar as the event was held in a new Citroen auto-centre):
I mean it - no joke - our stuff was literally on the floor and, like, all over the place. That was probably the worst part of the whole event.

And here are models just with hair & make up and then all dressed up:

As for how everything went - as I have already said it, it was fine. The public might have been a bit too shy or something, we expected bigger reaction and more activity from the people that came. Anyways, I had fun, the wether was great, there were no delays and no drama - all very smooth, and that is always good on occasions like that.
So thanks everyone for your presence and hope to see you again :)


  1. класс!
    а у нас со студенческим домом моделей были гастроли в .... сузун!:-D
    привлекали потенциальных студентов....

  2. Интересно, когда это было? Как съездили?

  3. в прошлую пятницу...неплохо съездили,как ни странно,там нас приняли ХОРОШО!а вот как бывает на днях открытых дверей,обменах опытом с другими вузами...-там вообще засмеивают.а еще хуже-сидят с непробиваемыми лицами:)
    так что эти "гастроли" были очень даже!!

  4. Да, к сожалению наши люди в большинстве своем скупы на эмоции. Когда был проект Fresh Flow, я наблюдала за публикой - 90% людей стояли с каменными лицами, еле хлопали и ещё меньше улыбались. Меня это поразило тогда. Такое ощущение, что их силком приволокли с заставили: "Смотрите!"

  5. и я ни раз с таким сталкивалась,очень обидно,когда так происходит:(
